пятница, 1 ноября 2013 г.

Personal letter (WB p. 24 ex.5)

Chelyabinsk, Russia
Dear Bob,
   Thank you for your letter. I'm glad to read about your school life. I had never seen a sea turtle in real, so you're lucky!
   Well, I'm writing  you to tell about my trips. Our class is so friendly. We always go on school trips togather. For example, last year we was in Qatar and I was really interested in culture of this country! Apart from ging abroad we visit theaters and museums very often. Recently we was in the Teater of Young People and watched a popular play - "Lightning". This theater attract me the most!
   I'm sorry, but I must finish now - I don't have any time. Write me soon.
  Best wishes, 
  119 words

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