A supermarket, a large form of the traditional grocery store, is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food and household products, organized into aisles. So, it's better to buy food in supermarkets than in small shops. Accordin to Bureau of Labor Statistics, the supermarket is a store offering a full line of groceries, meat, and produce with at least $2 million in annual sales. These stores typically carry anywhere from 15,000 to 60,000 SKUs and may offer a service deli, a service bakery, and/or pharmacy.
In my point of view, supermarkets are really better than small shops. For example, supermarkets work only with suppliers who can provide good quality products in large quantities. Because supermarkets can only sell things that customers want, they listen very carefully to customers views. Furthermore, in supermarkets, there is a discount system, which is very convenient and beneficial for the buyer because visitors can buy all the things they need in one place at a low price as well.
On the other hand, advocates of small shops say that, apart from shopping at supermarkets pollutes the environment and damages human health because the biggest single cause of global warming is vehicle pollution. The average item of food purchased from a supermarket travels over 1000 miles; by lorry/plane from the producer to the store and then by car from the store to the consumer, people only buy a set quantity of food, so if they buy it in a supermarket, they won't buy it in local shops as well. That puts village shops and high street stores out of business. Moreover, shopping at supermarkets is destroying British agriculture and ruining the countryside. Big farmers are getting bigger to survive because of the price control by supermakets while small farmers are going bust, leading to farming monoculture and unemployment.
That may be right, but I don't thing that it's really big problems of supermarkets. In the end, we can make the transportation of food and its packaging is better and safer for humans.
To sum up, despite some enviroment problems supermarkets the best place to buy goods because customers easier to buy everything in the hold position than the search for products to different stores, supermarkets give customers exactly what they want - quality and low prices although supermarkets significantly affect the economy of the country.
In my point of view, supermarkets are really better than small shops. For example, supermarkets work only with suppliers who can provide good quality products in large quantities. Because supermarkets can only sell things that customers want, they listen very carefully to customers views. Furthermore, in supermarkets, there is a discount system, which is very convenient and beneficial for the buyer because visitors can buy all the things they need in one place at a low price as well.
On the other hand, advocates of small shops say that, apart from shopping at supermarkets pollutes the environment and damages human health because the biggest single cause of global warming is vehicle pollution. The average item of food purchased from a supermarket travels over 1000 miles; by lorry/plane from the producer to the store and then by car from the store to the consumer, people only buy a set quantity of food, so if they buy it in a supermarket, they won't buy it in local shops as well. That puts village shops and high street stores out of business. Moreover, shopping at supermarkets is destroying British agriculture and ruining the countryside. Big farmers are getting bigger to survive because of the price control by supermakets while small farmers are going bust, leading to farming monoculture and unemployment.
That may be right, but I don't thing that it's really big problems of supermarkets. In the end, we can make the transportation of food and its packaging is better and safer for humans.
To sum up, despite some enviroment problems supermarkets the best place to buy goods because customers easier to buy everything in the hold position than the search for products to different stores, supermarkets give customers exactly what they want - quality and low prices although supermarkets significantly affect the economy of the country.
Vasilisa, thanks for the essay! The structure is perfect, the content is excellent. There is only one problem. An essay should be written by you. And yours is just a compillation of open resources.
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If your essay is more than 30% a compillation - then you get 0 points at the exam.
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